Fullstack Dev / PM & Solutions Architect / Ex-Blumier
I am an experienced cloud systems architect, business analyst, team lead and tech entrepreneur with experience working on a number of diverse projects and startups.
But wait ! There's more to me than my LinkedIn tagline (above) lets on. After finishing my Bachelors in Technology with a minor in German as a foreign language, I started my own company...and then several more, travelled the world, dabbled in creating music, turned terribly fat then got back in shape, read a lot of books, designed apps, built platforms, created, innovated, got burnt out, played a lot of games (my steam library isnt bad), turned fat again and lost more weight, got into hiking, started learning Chinese, met a tonne of amazing people along the way, had a rough 2019 (trust me, it was worse than 2020), worked on some fantastic projects around Satellite Communication, mentored several amazing devs and finally got around to making this website.
Since you are here, may I interest you in learning more about me in one of the following sections ?
- My Blog - Random musings, some intelligent ideas and a lot of stuff I learned over the years
- Coming Soon Work Profile - I have a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career
- Coming Soon Gallery - of Amateur Photography (Mostly rocks, mountains and insects)
- Coming Soon Work & Projects - a historical recounting of the many things I have had the pleasure and sometimes displeasure of working on